Bouncin Around off Helms Trail offers private jump sessions. It's $6 per child with a minimum of 25 jumpers. This is perfect for a large playgroup or a daytime birthday party. Socks and a signed waiver are required.
Need to bounce a little more? Try Moon Jumpers off FM 2932 is also another great place to bounce. They have open jump play sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10-12. The cost is $5 per jumper and socks and a signed waiver are required.
While the weather is nice, visit The Gentle Zoo off FM 2932. They are open to the public Tuesday - Friday from 9:30-2:00. Admission is $5. They have a petting zoo, train ride, giant maze, hay ride, vegetable garden, bounce house and holiday events.
For your older preschooler, All Fired Up has a Homeschoolers Day every Thursday from 12-2. Students also receive a 30% discount on their ceramic item of their choice. They are located in Forney off Branch Rd.
Need lots of movement for your high energy child? Try ASI Mesquite off Hwy 80. The offer Open Jump for ages 3 through Homeschoolers for $6. The classes are on the first and third Thursdays of every month from 11-1. No reservation required. Best part... the kids are entertained by someone else! It's a great time for Mom's to sit and read or catch-up while their little ones play.
Visit the Rockwall Library for sotry times.Story times are offered during school calendar days. Be sure to check their schedule to see about their holiday closings. Newborn story time for infants through 12 months on Tuesday at 10:15, registration is required. Walker story time for 12-24 months on Thursdays and Fridays from 10:15-10:35 and playtime afterwards until 11. Talkers story time for 2 and 3 year olds Monday and Wednesday from 10:15-10:35. Preschool story times for 3-6 year olds Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 11:15-11:45 and Thursday from 7-7:30pm. Listeners story time for age 4-8 is on Wednesday from 1:30-2:30. They also have family nights, for all ages, on Tuesday October 26th from 7-8. This night is a Halloween in the Library theme with a movie refreshments. Be sure to wear your costumes! Tuesday, November 23rd is the Story of Thanks From a Native Perspective. December 14th and 16th is the Polar Express Extravaganza with a visit from Santa, crafts and hot chocolate. The first train departs at 6:30pm. Call the Rockwall Library for more information 972-204-7740.
And don't forget about the Forney Community Park located off of Hwy 548. This place is guaranteed to have children of all ages at any given time in the day.
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